Street Legal Electric Scooter | What Is The Law?

As a passionate electric scooter enthusiast and advisor, I understand the importance of knowing the laws and regulations surrounding street legal electric scooters. Navigating the world of electric scooters can be confusing, especially when it comes to understanding their legality on the road. In this article, I will provide you with helpful suggestions on what matters when looking at the legality of scooters on the road, and I’ll explain the reasons behind these suggestions.


Electric scooters have gained immense popularity in recent years due to their eco-friendly nature and convenience for short-distance transportation. However, not all electric scooters are legal to ride on public roads. Street legal electric scooters are specifically designed to meet certain legal requirements, ensuring they can be used safely and legally in urban environments.

Understanding Street Legal Electric Scooters

Street legal electric scooters, as the name suggests, are electric scooters that comply with the legal regulations imposed by the governing bodies. These scooters typically have specific features and specifications that make them roadworthy. Understanding these requirements is crucial before purchasing an electric scooter.

Legal Requirements for Street Legal Electric Scooters

To be considered street legal, electric scooters must meet certain legal requirements. Let’s explore these requirements in detail.

Licensing and Registration

In many jurisdictions, street legal scooters require licensing and registration, similar to other motorized vehicles. This ensures that the scooter rider has the necessary knowledge and skills to operate the scooter safely. It is essential to check your local regulations regarding licensing and registration for electric scooters.

Speed and Power Restrictions

Street legal electric scooters often have speed and power restrictions to ensure the safety of riders and pedestrians. These restrictions vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. It is important to adhere to these limits to avoid any legal consequences and maintain a safe riding experience.

Lighting and Safety Equipment

To ensure visibility and safety on the road, street legal electric scooters are equipped with essential lighting and safety equipment. These may include headlights, taillights, turn signals, reflectors, and brakes. Always make sure your electric scooter meets the lighting and safety requirements set by your local authorities.

Age and Rider Requirements

Certain jurisdictions impose age restrictions on riders of street legal electric scooters. It is crucial to be aware of the minimum age requirement for riding an electric scooter legally. Additionally, some states require riders to wear protective gear such as helmets, knee pads, and elbow pads. Always prioritize safety and follow these requirements to have a hassle-free riding experience.

Understanding Different State Laws

Each state or region may have its own specific laws and regulations regarding street legal scooters. It is essential to understand the laws in your area before purchasing and riding an electric scooter. Here are some examples of regulations and requirements in different states:

California: Regulations and Requirements

In California, all scooters became legalized and regulated in January 2019. All riders need a driver’s license, electric scooters do not need to be registered, maximum speed is 15 mph, can be ridden on slow public roads only (less than 25 mph), and all riders under 18 need to wear a helmet.

Texas: Regulations and Requirements

For Texas, there are no state-level laws that regulate scooters. Electric Scooters are regulated as mopeds (Texas Transp. Code § 551.351). Electric scooters can not be ridden on roads that exceed a speed limit of 35 mph. The electric motors must not exceed 750W. Registration and a license are not required.

Montana: Regulations and Requirements

In Montana, the rules of the state include: i) electric scooters are legal, ii) they are regulated as “motorized bicycles”, iii) adult riders can not ride on the sidewalks, and iv) riders are required to obey traffic controls.

As you can see above, the laws vary greatly from state to state. You need to read your applicable state laws to be informed. Understanding the specific laws in your state will help you ensure compliance and avoid any legal issues while riding your electric scooter.

Important Factors to Consider

Apart from legal requirements, there are a few other factors you should consider when choosing a street legal electric scooter.

Electric Scooter Specifications

When selecting a street legal electric scooter, pay attention to its specifications. Factors such as speed, range, battery capacity, and overall build quality are essential to ensure a reliable and enjoyable riding experience. Choose a scooter that meets your specific needs and falls within the legal requirements of your area.

Insurance Coverage

Although not mandatory in all jurisdictions, having insurance coverage for your electric scooter is a wise decision. Insurance can protect you in case of accidents, theft, or damages. Check with your insurance provider to explore the available options for electric scooter coverage.

Local Infrastructure

Consider the local infrastructure, such as bike lanes, dedicated scooter paths, and charging stations, when planning your rides. Some cities offer better infrastructure for electric scooters, making them more accessible and convenient for commuting. Research the availability of infrastructure in your area to ensure a smoother riding experience.

Tips for Riding Street Legal Electric Scooters

To make the most of your street legal electric scooter and ensure a safe journey, here are a few tips:

  • Always obey traffic laws and regulations.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and practice defensive riding.
  • Maintain a safe speed and avoid reckless maneuvers.
  • Stay visible by using lights and reflective gear, especially during low-light conditions.
  • Regularly maintain your scooter by checking the tires, brakes, and lights.
  • Plan your routes in advance, considering roads with lower traffic and better infrastructure.
  • By following these tips, you can enjoy the benefits of a street legal electric scooter while minimizing risks and ensuring a positive riding experience.



Street legal electric scooters offer a sustainable and convenient mode of transportation for short-distance travel. Understanding the legal requirements and regulations specific to your area is crucial to ensure a safe and enjoyable riding experience. Remember to consider factors such as licensing, speed restrictions, safety equipment, and local laws when choosing and using a street legal scooter. By adhering to the rules and taking necessary precautions, you can fully embrace the world of street legal electric scooters.


1. Do I need a license to ride a street legal electric scooter?
Licensing requirements vary by jurisdiction. In many places, you will need at least a driver’s license or a moped license to ride a street legal electric scooter. Check your local laws for specific requirements.

2. Can I ride my street legal electric scooter on bike paths?
Bike path regulations differ among regions. Some places allow electric scooters on bike paths, while others do not. Familiarize yourself with the rules in your area before riding on bike paths.

3. How fast can a street legal electric scooter go?
The maximum speed of a street legal electric scooter depends on local regulations. It typically ranges from 20 to 30 miles per hour. Always follow the speed limits set by your jurisdiction.

4. Do I need insurance for my street legal scooter?
Insurance requirements for electric scooters vary by jurisdiction. While it may not be mandatory in all places, it is advisable to have insurance coverage to protect yourself and your scooter. Contact your insurance provider for more information.

5. Are street legal electric scooters allowed on public roads?
Yes, street legal electric scooters are permitted on public roads, subject to specific regulations and requirements. Ensure that your scooter complies with the laws of your area before riding on public roads.


Street Legal Electric Scooter - What is the Law?

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Martin Brion

My initial goal was to find cheaper and healthier ways to travel in the city I live, and it has now evolved into a desire to share what I have discovered with anyone interested. As newer products come to the market and we become more aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle, more and more people are interested in what this website offers. I hope you find what we provide helpful. Thanks for stopping in.

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